The Power of Sharing

One of the many elements of the GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge (GFAC) is sharing your team. With that comes sharing the story of who you are moving for and why. We love seeing all the social media posts from our families and friends sharing their mission to spread acceptance and inclusion to the world!

Andi Fox is one of our 16 team captains who earned a yard sign by fundraising $321 for GFAC by 3/21. She received two signs, one to place in her yard to promote her team and one to be placed on the course on race day! Andi had an idea! Since her sign has a QR code making it easy for others to find her team and donate, she took it to her gym at the Cobb YMCA and told her class the story of Esther and what GiGi’s means to them. From this simple share, she raised $800 in one day!

Andi, Esther, and the whole Fox family have been coming to GiGi’s Atlanta programs since 2020. Esther’s favorite program is our Destination Discovery: Pet Therapy! She LOVES dogs and has the best time playing with the therapy dogs that come to visit. She gives them check-ups, reads them books, and get lots and lots of dog kisses!

It’s easy to fall in love with Esther with her bright spirit and infectious smile! Andi tells everyone how “Life is just better with Esther! She brings all the JOY with her hugs, smiles, sense of humor and contagious laughter. She has taught us to slow down, celebrate everything, and never give up. She is the perfect mix of sweet and sassy and we are the lucky ones.”

Andi wasn’t sure what to expect going into her workout that day but she had a story to tell. And that simple message of Esther and her love for GiGi’s Playhouse inspired a generous group who will forever be friends of the Playhouse!

We hope all our teams continue to share their stories with others. Not only does it raise funds to help enhance our programs and services, it opens people’s eyes to the beauty that is Down syndrome. The more you show your child’s achievements along with their struggles, you show the world that, despite their differences, individuals with Down syndrome are worthy of inclusion, support, and love! Together, we are telling the world to Be Accepting, Be Generous, and Be Kind!

Show your support to one of our GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge Teams here!

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