Because of YOU…

As we come upon 3-21, one of most significant days in the GiGi’s community and in the lives of those we serve, we cannot help but be grateful to all our supporters. Whether it be monetary, in-kind, or volunteering your time and talents at the Playhouse, it is all important and because of YOU…

Because of you we have been able to provide over 309 hours of purposeful programming in just the first two months of 2022!

Because of you we have shown just how strong those that live in North Central WI are, when they believe in something making us sustainable!

Because of you we were able to go from 100% volunteer run to 99% volunteer run, hiring a staff, and allowing more consistent Playhouse hours to better serve families and the community!

Because of you we have been able to expand programming and serve participants with 1:1 literacy tutoring!

Because of you we can grow even more in our program options and bring health and wellness initiatives to include Café G Kitchen and GiGiFIT programs!

Because of you people are talking, awareness is created, and acceptance is being spread!

The achievement of all our individuals and families, and our ability to continue providing therapeutic and educational programs at no charge, would not be possible without the generosity of our amazing community. Please join us on March 21st, by visiting the Playhouse anytime between 9 and 3pm.  Take a moment to stop in for a tour, learn about the impact being made, and the future goals we have set!  We will have coffee, tea, and cookies, so sit and stay awhile!

A special Thank You to Ruder Ware for sponsoring our donor wall!

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