
GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau is thrilled to enter 2024 with the momentum created from a year of significant growth and achievements. Since Playhouse approval we have seen a 96% increase in families and in 2023 our dedicated volunteers provided over 3,298 hours of FREE programming (1,011 hours more than 2022). Our sponsors make our work possible, allowing us to assist Laurel in developing her independence in the kitchen, Corbyn in learning his early communication skills, Nathan in progressing his gross motor activity and love of sports, and so much more! 

Thanks to the generous support of donors and partners like you, GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau will continue to educate, inspire, and empower individuals with Down syndrome and their families. In the year ahead, we plan to continue our work, fighting for Down syndrome acceptance, growing our community engagement, and expanding program options to include 1:1 Math and the Amina Grace Speech and Language programs. As a sponsor, you can play a vital role in making this possible. 

On the following sponsorship flipbook, you can find detailed sponsorship levels and benefits for our two large fundraising events and additional opportunities available for 2024. If you or your organization is interested in becoming a sponsor or you have a unique sponsorship option in mind, please contact us at eerdman@gigisplayhouse.org or (715) 907-1867.