Black Friday Shopping List!

Written by Kristen K. – GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau Occupational Therapy Capstone Student

It is crazy to think that it is already close to the of November, the year 2023 has certainty flown by. Around this time of year, individuals start preparing for Christmas by decorating homes and yards. Stores a busy with early shoppers trying to get the best deals on all the latest toys and gadgets. As a therapist myself, I often get asked what toys are engaging and interactive but also promote learning and skill development for children of all ages. This is probably one of my favorite questions to answer because there are SO many options out there, but it can be a bit overwhelming. With the right toys, not only can play be fun but it can also promote various developmental skills to help children be successful. I’ve done all the work for you and have provided a hardy list of multi-faceted toys that will promote fine motor, gross motor and language skills. Enjoy!

Fine Motor and Language Skills: Fine motor skills can be targeted through games, puzzles, dress-up/pretend play, building materials, sensory play and various other ways. Fine motor skills are important to develop skills needed for tasks such as dressing, eating, and writing, Langue skills can also be paired with these actives through color matching, counting, social dialogue, and identification of animals to develop and promote language skills and social pragmatics.

Gross Motor Skills: Gross motor skills are important to develop crawling, walking, running and throwing skills. Gross motor skills are also important in the development of balance, coordination and postural stability.

Therapy Ball

Puzzles: My favorite are the wooden/Montessori puzzles. These puzzles are made out of wood, so they hold up really well. You can also get these puzzles in various sizes to increase the challenge.

Dress Up Costumes

Role Play

Happy Shopping!

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