GiGi’s Playhouse is Coming to Wausau, and We Want to Hear from YOU!!

GiGi’s  Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers provide  resources, specialized teaching and support to individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community.  Each Playhouse fosters an environment of positive energy, high expectations, consistent participation and achievement across a broad variety of educational, therapeutic, and career development programs. 

While there are some resources in North Central for individuals with Down syndrome and their families, there is nothing like GiGi’s Playhouse, a brick and mortar “place”. A place with FREE programs to families and designed to work on specific skill development in several areas including – speech and language, social development, fine and gross motor skills as well as university preparation and career training.  These programs serve individuals of all ages. GiGi’s Playhouse is a place for families and children to come together, to learn, play and grow in an environment free of stigma and judgement. 

We are very excited to bring  GiGi’s  Playhouse to this community and we would like to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to complete this survey: 

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