Meet Marika
Some of you may have met Marika in the past couple of months. She volunteered for a short internship this spring (she was at Gala) and has come back as a summer Intern. She will be overseeing the Music Therapy program as well as Fantastic Friends and helping at the John Deere Classic. We asked her to provide a short bio, so you could get to know her a little better.
“Hello! I’m Marika Vi, I am a Quad City native and a rising senior at Augustana College! I am majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders with the intentions of going into Special Education and eventually going to grad school to become a Speech Language Pathologist. I have a strong passion for teaching and caring for people with differing abilities. You may have seen me before helping Jay when he was the Fantastic Friends leader and I hope to continue the fun and get to know everyone even more! I love volunteering at GiGi’s and I am super excited to be helping out with Fantastic Friends this summer!”
Please help us make Marika feel welcome! Be sure to introduce yourself if you see her at the Playhouse. Outside of programming, she has also been instrumental in getting materials ready for the summer tutoring session by preparing all the materials for tutor training and student binders. We hope to win her over and have her stay on as a volunteer when her internship ends.
We are proud and honored to host interns from the local colleges. If you’re a college student needing volunteer hours for a class or an internship, please contact us to learn more. We’d be happy to have you!