“guaranteed to make you leave feeling good!”
This is the second in a series of blog posts related to the upcoming Superhero 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk. This family was one of the first to set up their fundraising team. They are also currently one of the top 3 fundraising teams. Please keep reading to see what Nathan and Natalie Bates have to say about the race and GiGis Playhouse – Quad Cities.
How did you hear about GiGi’s Playhouse?
A month or two after Gavin was born, we were invited to attend a meeting to decide if the Quad Cities should move forward with opening a Playhouse. We were inspired and wanted to be a part of it right away!
How long have you been participating in programming here at GiGi’s?
Ever since the Playhouse opened in 2011. The timing was perfect for Gavin that he had a Playhouse to be part of since before he was less than a year old.
If you were to pick one thing to say about GiGi’s, what would be the #BestofAll you would like to share?
We have made amazing friends and received unbelievable support through GiGi’s Playhouse. It has been such a blessing to be a part of something bigger than our family that is working so hard to give Gavin opportunities that he may not have had otherwise. GiGi’s has given us a huge network of families who are experiencing or have experienced many of the things that we are. Our relationships and friendships with other families who have a loved one with Down syndrome are truly some of the best things in our lives and have given us a front row view of the awesome things that they are accomplishing daily. GiGi’s has helped to shape our vision for Gavin’s future and how bright it is!
Why is this Superhero 5K fundraiser important to you?
This fundraiser is important because it gives us a day to celebrate Down syndrome with our family, friends, and the community. We love that it gives us a platform to show the great things that are happening at GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities and raises funds necessary to allow the Playhouse to continue helping individuals with Down syndrome achieve their #bestofall!
Tell us about your team
Team Gavin Gators came about simply because the name just fits Gavin perfectly! It has been an honor to carry on the “Gator” name following Team Nater-Gators, who is a huge reason that GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities exists today. We involve as many of our family and friends as we possibly can, and they have come through for us without fail every year! Our goal for this year’s Superhero 5K is to raise the most money for GiGi’s that we ever have!
Would you encourage others to create teams and/or participate in the race?
Absolutely! Whether you just like to run or walk, are looking for a fun, family activity, or want to support a great cause, this event is worth your time and guaranteed to make you leave feeling good!
Anything additional that you would like to add?
This event is our very favorite GiGi’s event of the whole year! It is such a fun morning of joy and celebration where we get to shine the spotlight on individuals with Down syndrome and all of their amazing achievements!
Thank you Bates family for sharing your thoughts (and Gavin) with all us.
We hope that reading their story has inspired you to participate in the race and/or support one of the fundraising teams. To see the top 10 fundraising individuals and teams, click here.
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