Benefits of Tutoring

GiGi’s Playhouse has recently updated the Literacy curriculum for all Playhouses across the network. The Educational Excellence Committee spent months researching new techniques, best methods and evidence based practices to give our friends our “Best of All”! We wanted to update our blog followers about the changes we have made!

Here is a picture of our Literacy curriculum:

As you can see we have many levels in our Literacy curriculum and we are incorporating phonics all the way through which is an awesome change! We are planning to help with the generalization of the phonics skills, by adding them to programs, such as LMNOP. What an added bonus!

Now that you have seen our Literacy framework, you are probably wondering… What benefits will my child and I receive from this?

Well here are just a few to peak your interest.

Build the Reading Foundation: Each child learns to read and develop literacy skills at a different pace. The GiGi’s Literacy program is built around the 5 pillars of reading: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.  It’s never too late or too early to start building this foundation!

One-on-One Work Time: With the more and more testing that is going on in our schools, it is harder and harder for our students to receive individualized time with a teacher or anyone for that matter! Here at GiGi’s Playhouse each session is 45 minutes with a tutor who has been trained by GiGi’s Playhouse to help your child grow in his or her individual Literacy skills! How amazing is that!

Individual Specific Work: Books and reading material are specific to the life-stage of the student. Whether it be a favorite television character, a specific subject in the classroom, or a job-related topic, each book is created with relevant information to the student.

Other benefits:

  • Increased self-esteem
  • Increased confidence
  • Fine motor development
  • Dispelled stereotypes and misconceptions
  • Greater inclusion in general education classrooms
  • More active role in schools and community
  • Broader communication and speech abilities
  • Greater social interaction and friendships
  • Articulation development

Winter tutoring sessions (literacy and math) begin January 30th!

Sign up today and join us here at the Playhouse!

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  1. Lily Bridgers on November 3, 2023 at 10:57 am

    I definitely agree that it is becoming more and more difficult for our children to get customized time with a teacher—or anybody, really—because of the increasing amount of testing that takes place in our classrooms! I needed this because my son’s been struggling with his math class, and his grades have been slipping. I will now be looking for an in-person tutoring service to provide him with the support and guidance he needs to improve his understanding of the subject.

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