3 Days – 21 Facts (Day 1)

3 Days – 21 Facts about Down syndrome

In case you missed it, GiGi’s is sharing 21 facts about Down Syndrome over the course of 3 days to celebrate World Down syndrome Day this Saturday, 3.21.20. Every day we are sharing 7 facts on our social media platforms. Below are the facts we shared today! We ask you to please like, share and comment on the ones that speak to you! Your participation is key in helping spread the awareness message. Plus there will be prizes for participation. Visit our social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest to like, comment and share the facts posts there to increase your chances to be entered to win prizes!

Fact 1- Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the characteristics associated with Down syndrome.

Fact 2- Down syndrome is not an illness or disease. It is a condition.

Fact 3- While there are physical features associated with Down syndrome, each individual is unique in what features they may exhibit. Our friends look more like their family than anyone else.

Fact 4-80% of babies with Down syndrome are born to women under age 35.

Fact 5- 1 in 691 births result in a Down syndrome diagnosis. 450,000 people living with DS in the US.

Fact 6- People with Down syndrome are not always happy. They show a large range of emotions, just like you and me!

Fact 7- Life expectancy for individuals with Down syndrome is more than 60 years, compared to only 25 years in 1980.

Stay tuned for 7 more facts tomorrow!

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