My First Rodeo…
This is my first rodeo Superhero Run/Walk!
The upcoming Superhero 5K, 1 Mile Walk and Kids Dash for Down Syndrome has been around for a while. It started 12 years ago as the Buddy Walk and has grown tremendously. Many families and volunteers have been participating since the very beginning. I have only been with GiGi’s 4 months so this really is “my first rodeo” as they say. However, I can tell you that this event has already made an impact on me. Not only have I been blown away by the volunteer and donor spirit, I am amazed at how passionate our families are about the event. Seeing this spirit and passion in the planning stages can only mean that the event itself will be overflowing with inspiration and excitement!
Next week, we will have packet pick-up here at the Playhouse on Thursday from 10am to 7pm and Friday from 10am to 4pm. I am super excited to meet all of you as you come in to get your shirts, race bibs, and information packets. If you can’t make it to the Playhouse, we will have the packets and shirts at the park the morning of the run/walk. On-site registration/packet pick-up begins at 7am on Saturday morning.
There is still time to register to run/walk, make a donation or submit a sponsorship. Online registration will end at noon on Friday the 30th but we will have paper registration forms here at the Playhouse and at the event. You can also print it by clicking here. Save time by filling it out and bringing it with you!
While the main focus of the day is the run/walk, there will be many other family friendly things to do. So even if you don’t want to run or walk, feel free to stop by and enjoy the bounce house, temporary superhero tattoos, Mo Mallard and the Ice Girls, and the GiGi’s Playhouse’s semi. While you’re there you can buy raffle tickets and win some awesome prizes (fitbit, wireless headphones, football game tickets, etc). We will also have GiGi’s merchandise for sale. Come join us for an inspirational morning that’s for a good cause.
We’ll see you at the rodeo Superhero Run/Walk – October 1st at Veterans Memorial Park 1645 23rd Street Bettendorf, IA.
Pam Lynch, Site Coordinator
Be Accepting. Be Generous. Be Kind.
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