1st Graders Believe!

George o barr (1024x768)

Tara Beeler’s 1st Grade class at George O. Barr Elementary took Down syndrome awareness to a new level.  This inquisitive and ambitious group of students asked school faculty and students to bring in items from home that they would be willing to put into a yard sale to raise money for GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities.  Mrs. Beeler’s students priced the items from $0.15 to $5.00, invited the school to come and shop, and raised $300 for GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities!

The students invited us in to their classroom for an interactive outreach session where they met our friend Zoey and learned that Zoey is just like them!  These students showed what a huge impact we can make by working together.  Thank you, Mrs. Beeler’s 1st Grade – your big hearts have inspired us all and will help support summer programming at GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities!

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  1. Kate Johnson on September 8, 2015 at 8:55 am

    What an amazing group of kids! Way to go Mrs. Beeler and George O. Barr Elementary for instilling a giving spirit in your students. I’m so happy to hear that you provide an environment where inclusion and acceptance are cultivated in students as young as first grade!

    P.S. – It would be hard not to fall in love with Zoey. 🙂

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