From the Heart of a Tutor
When my precious great-niece Zoey was born in March of 2013, I knew that I wanted to do all I could to support her and her family. Who could guess that through my connection with Zoey- which led me to GiGi’s Playhouse – MY life would instead be enriched.
I had driven past GiGi’s Playhouse on John Deere Road on many occasions and knew that it was a center for individuals with Down syndrome, but I knew little else. I knew nothing of the people they served, the programs they offered, or how the center was managed. I certainly would not have guessed that I would one day serve as a literacy tutor and be a supporter of GiGi’s Playhouse.
Shortly after Zoey was born, her parents, Brian and Michelle, turned to GiGi’s Playhouse for support, answers, and help. My first experience at GiGi’s was the Super Hero Run/Walk that October. Seeing the determination on those faces while running to reach the finish line warmed my heart. At GiGi’s Gala in 2014, I listened to my nephew Brian as he spoke of the support they received. It was that night, as I listened to all the testimonies and stories from children, parents, and tutors, that I knew I wanted to be a part of the GiGi’s family. My nephew introduced me to Michelle Hughes, and I shared with her my interest in becoming a tutor. She said, “Email me.” I continued to hear about the programs and support that Zoey’s family was receiving, so I sent the email to Michelle and became a trained literacy tutor in June 2014.
I have worked as a reading specialist in public schools for nearly 30 years, but I still had butterflies in my stomach before my first tutoring session. Would I be able to help these kids? Could I keep them engaged and learning? Would I be able to adapt my teaching strategies in a way to help these new students learn and grow?
I can’t even begin to tell you what a blessing it was to work with Bristol and Payton in the summer of 2014. They absolutely made my summer! Although they were excited to come and see me each Friday, their excitement was nothing compared to mine. The rewards I received from helping them practice their literacy skills, and hopefully teaching them a few new ones, brought joy to my life. The experience helped me to get back to pure teaching and to revitalize my passion for helping others learn.
I will, without a doubt, be back at Gigi’s Playhouse again to work as a literacy tutor.
Kathy Kuhnen, Literacy Tutor
GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities
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