“A Mom’s Belief . . . . . .”

This month GiGi’s theme is Believing . . . . . . Brett usually writes about his friends in his blog, but this month I (his mom Marlene) am writing for him because I believe in Brett for all he can do and will do.  When we started on this journey 31 years ago, we…

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GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix – We Believe!

We are the BELIEF TEAM at GiGi’s. When participants walk through our doors in GiGi’s Playhouse the magic begins. They see themselves in the larger-than-life mirrored wall while they crawl, walk, dance, sing, read and meet their friends. When participants walk through our doors of GiGi U and GiGi’s Studio Café they are ready to…

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Giving is sharing something that is very important to you, something that may even be difficult to share. Your return in giving may only be the joy of knowing that you are making a difference in someone’s life.  Wait, “ONLY MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE’S LIFE”? Giving our time, talent, skill, love, care, kindness, loyalty,…

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Finding Your “Tribe”

So… let me be honest. I take Elijah to GiGi’s to benefit myself. Of course he benefits from his music classes and AMAZING speech therapy services!!! But. So. Do. I. Motherhood can be isolating. Being a special needs mother can be even more so. UNLESS!  Unless you have a tribe that just gets you. And…

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GiGi’s Supports Families and Futures

SUPPORT – A Verb or a Noun? Nearly 500 words are both a verb and a noun.  Those that most often come to mind are EMAIL, SHOP, BUY, PAY, CHARGE…wait a minute, I think I’m getting off topic.  What I’m talking about today is SUPPORT! VERB – If you SUPPORT someone’s idea or mission, you…

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