Volunteer Spotlight: Jane

Jane Program Leader
Jane is pictured here with her brother Matthew.
My name is Jane and I love being a volunteer at GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee! My brother Matthew (who has been a participant for a few years) invited me to join Fantastic Friends last year. He invited me during the height of the pandemic and I gladly welcomed an opportunity to meet new people, play games, and just “hang out” on a Friday. I had a blast the first time I attended and I haven’t missed a meeting since. More recently I joined GiGi’s Book Club as the program leader. We are reading The One and Only Ivan (which I highly recommend – it is profound!). Two major themes of the book are isolation and identity. The book makes us think about how others see us, how we see ourselves, and how the answers to these questions might make us feel lonely or conversely, connected. And this is why I participate at GiGi’s: to feel connected and engaged with a group of people who accept and welcome anyone.

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