Partnership: Roschambo Eyewear & GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee

Roshambo Eyewear is excited to be a contributing partner of GiGi’s Playhouse nationwide. In its new program, Roshambo will donate 10% of all sales generated by GiGi’s Playhouse facilities and members back to the non-profit every month. In addition to the donation, Roshambo will also be offering a 20% discount to GiGi’s Playhouse members in support of their families and children needing prescription eyewear. GiGi’s Playhouse programs are 100% free to families and is a 99% volunteer-run organization!

*Please use the code GIGI – MKE for your 20% off and 10% give-back!

Our charitable support mission is to donate a portion of every sale to children’s charity! Learn more about the various children’s charities we partner with and donate to annually.

Roshambo Prescription Glasses

We know firsthand how expensive glasses can be with kids, breakable frames just won’t do! That’s why we’ve lowered our starting price to $69 (that’s only $55 with your GiGi’s Playhouse discount!) to make our prescription glasses affordable for all families. Every pair of prescription glasses comes with a carrying casehead strap & ear adjusterspolishing sleeve, and free shipping! Not to mention that we also offer a full damage replacement guarantee if your frames break or get damaged in the first year of their use.

Roshambo prescription glasses are perfect for active kids on the go or as an affordable backup pair. We know that kids are going to be rough with their glasses, and they’re going to try and stretch them or toss them around. These frames can take it!

Because the frames are so bendable and flexible, you can easily swap out the prescription lenses and put them into another frame color. Your child is going to love having the option to match their outfits (we have 20 colors to choose from)!

“We love our Roshambo glasses and have been using them for years!” said Jade Woodard, member of GiGi’s Playhouse Canton and customer of Roshambo Shades. “Kasen has 4 pairs of frame colors, and my husband and I both have a pair of sunglasses. I brag to everyone about them, especially to those in our Down syndrome community. Roshambo glasses are so much better than the other brands we have tried that lose their shape and press up against Kasen’s eyelashes and then he can’t blink!”

Free Home Try-On Kits

You can try our unbreakable frames on at home for FREE to make sure they are the perfect fit before you buy your prescription glasses! You can choose from our kid’s pack, adult pack, or all 5 sizes for an at-home, no-obligation free trial of our prescription frames.

You also might be able to get insurance reimbursement or use your HSA/FSA account to pay for your prescription glasses. Double-check with your carrier before purchasing your prescription to get the details!

About GiGi’s Playhouse

With over 50+ brick-and-mortar locations across the United States and Mexico and 200 inquiries to start new locations all over the world, GiGi’s Playhouse is the only network of Down Syndrome Achievement Centers. Every day, we provide FREE, life-changing therapeutic, educational, and career training programs for 80,000+ children and adults with Down syndrome, their families, and their communities.

Down syndrome is the largest chromosomal disability in our country and yet, it is the least funded. From a prenatal diagnosis to career skills, we make a lifetime commitment to remain by their side. Families are empowered with all the tools their child needs to succeed!

“GiGi doesn’t get a break from her diagnosis; no one does. People who are different don’t get to shed that “differentness” at the end of the day. They struggle constantly for acceptance, and that is why we’ll never stop fighting for them. Together we’re changing the world: one child, one diagnosis, and one community at a time!” Nancy Gianni, Chief Belief Officer, and GiGi’s Mom.

Through free programs and our #GenerationG Campaign for global acceptance, we empower families by maximizing opportunities for daily achievement and lasting acceptance. To ensure lasting acceptance, we must show the world what individuals with Down syndrome are truly capable of achieving as students, co-workers, volunteers, friends, and valued members of their communities. Our program outcomes help advance this vital social impact goal.

GiGi’s Playhouse is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization and is solely funded by donations.

“What I like best about GiGi’s Playhouse programs is that I get to meet new people and gain friendships I didn’t realize I needed!” said Cyd Devore, member of Gigi’s Playhouse Canton and customer of Roshambo Eyewear. “Attending GiGi’s programs forces me to take a break from the hectic daily schedule and catch up with other moms who go through the same struggles. We compare notes, we give each other tips/ suggestions on different methods to try with our kids, etc. We bond, we laugh, we cry and most of all, we encourage and celebrate our kids’ wins!”

About Roshambo Eyewear

Roshambo Eyewear is family-owned and operated by San Diego family Scott, Julia, and their little girls Avery and Chloe. Starting in 2012 as a response to needs within their own family, Roshambo prides itself on making sunglasses and direct-to-consumer prescription eyewear for children that are safe, durable, and flexible, but at a budget-friendly price. They have now grown to five sizes of frames from baby to adult so the whole family can match.

The lack of quality in kids’ eyewear was the biggest motivator in creating their own line. To address this, they make their frames in Italy, assemble them in-house in San Diego, use polarized lenses as a standard, and create a proprietary, toxin-free, kid-safe material that is virtually unbreakable.

Their company name is a reference to the children’s game “rock, paper, scissors” also called “ro•sham•bo,” which is used as a teaching tool for children with autism. With autism present in their own family, giving back to their community is an important pillar of their business.

In addition to donations to GiGi’s Playhouse, Surfers Healing, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, and numerous other charities and non-profits, Roshambo is also a part of the Zappos Adaptive Network. Zappos Adaptive caters to the needs of people who have challenges getting dressed every day with a range of “adaptive” clothing and shoes. The items featured in the Zappos Adaptive line are designed for people with a range of conditions including autism, diabetes, and mobility issues.

“I was looking for a more aesthetically appealing frames that would fit Lana’s small face and my friend, Jade, mentioned Roshambo,” said Cyd Devore, member of Gigi’s Playhouse Canton and customer of Roshambo Shades. “After looking around optical dispensaries in our area, I discovered very little to none cater to smaller children so I finally decided to check Roshambo out. I’m so glad I did because they offered baby sized frames… and in lots of color options!”

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