Dash Team Highlight: Sam’s Superheroes

Who inspired this team and what makes them EXTRA awesome? Sam has inspired our team. He’s 8 years old, tenacious, outgoing, and hilarious. We’re so blessed to have someone with an extra chromosome in our family. Life is never dull!

What is your favorite part of attending programs and events at GiGi’s Milwaukee? We love attending programming and getting to see our friends. Sam especially likes Art Explosion and Destination Discovery.

What does acceptance mean to you and how do you want to encourage our community (and the world) to be more accepting? Acceptance means inclusion, respect, equality, support, and celebration of diversity. It’s about embracing individuals for who they are, providing equal opportunities, and celebrating their unique contributions to society.

What Programs would you like to see more of at GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee? More programming for school-age kiddos!

Join Sam and his friends at the Dash for Down Syndrome on May 5th at Lake Park – sign up today!

Sam’s Team link – https://support.gigisplayhouse.org/gigifit-acceptance-challenge-2024/team/sams-superheroes

Fundraising goal = $5,000

Want to submit a story for your Dash for Down Syndrome Team Highlight? Do so here and tell us more about your team through this form: https://forms.office.com/r/UfST7t3XwF and then send us some pictures so that we can highlight your loved one!

T-shirt deadline April 14 (midnight)
Online registration closes May 2 (midnight)
General Event Details – Registration – Sponsorships – https://bit.ly/DashforDS
Volunteer for the event here: https://bit.ly/VolunteerDashforDS

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