Check out this wonderful and heartwarming review on yelp
Michelle O.: GiGis is a non-profit organization for persons and families with Down Syndrome. It is run and funded by volunteers and the programs offered are excellent. GiGis gets together with Madison Area Down Syndrome Society for playgroups now and then to connect more families. They also have a small library of a sort with books ranging from children’s to adult. We also attended a Fitness, Family and Friends class which was great for kids. There were only two children with Down Syndrome (my daughter included) but the volunteer teacher and other volunteers were amazing with my girl and tried very hard to get her to engage more. She was still enthralled with the toys at the center, so we only got her to do fitness for a few brief seconds. However, I really enjoyed it.
My other daughter walked in and was so amazed at the fact that there were other people that looked like her sister, I loved meeting other families in many different stages of parenting their child or adult.
I truly wish I’d had this resource as a new parent, but love that it’s available still now and for years to come. The volunteers know that these children tend to run at their own speed and make it a fun experience for parents, children and siblings. Can’t wait for more time here!
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