Assume EVERYONE Can- in their own way

By now, you have likely seen this viral and impactful video from NDSS (National Down Syndrome Society).

We do believe our Down syndrome community should be given a chance to do whatever they choose to do instead of having others decide that for them. This video really brings that point to light.

There are also many families who believe in assuming ‘they can’ but also want you to consider another side to this perspective. Keep reading to hear one mom’s perspective.

Here’s the viral video for reference:

NDSS Viral Believe I can Video
Winchester, young boy with Down syndrome and his mom, Michelle in a black and white photo. Mom is giving her son a kiss on the head.

Winchester and his mom, Michelle

Why don’t we celebrate the ones who are doing their best with what god gave them that is not the same as able-bodied people?

Michelle, Winchester’s mom
Young both with Down syndrome smiling at his stuffed animal while standing in the sunshine.

Michelle, Winchester’s mom, shared on social media:

“I love this video in some ways, but in others, I can’t help but see how the ableism themes make it seem like she’s acceptable only because she has the ability to be like everyone else.

What about those that can’t? Whose disabilities do in fact make them not as abled as others? Why don’t we celebrate the ones who are doing their best with what god gave them that is not the same as able-bodied people?

That’s my struggle as mom to a child born with Down Syndrome and diagnosed with ASD level 3 at 5.”

Thank you for allowing us to share this Michelle, and helping us all to understand how to better celebrate all abilities!

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