Meet and Greet with Micha Boyett 

We had the honor to welcome Micha Boyett, author and cohost of the Down syndrome advocacy podcast, The Lucky Few, into GiGi’s Playhouse Lancaster during Down Syndrome Awareness Month! Micha took the time to visit the Playhouse and share some of her journey with us. Our kiddos decided it was best to sing our welcome song to Micha and she was so kind, sitting on the stage, singing along with us.  Micha took the time to talk to us about her most recent book Blessed Are The Rest of Us, a story about her youngest son with Down syndrome and autism, and how his presence in her life has profoundly affected her faith. Families, participants and volunteers gathered around Micha as she read us an excerpt from her book, about a specific time when her son was a newborn.  

After the book reading, Micha opened it up for questions and continued sharing more with us about her journey related to Down syndrome and Autism. She then had books for sale and signed them for families.  

Micha took time to meet our families and participants, listening to their stories, able to relate to many of them. It was also a great time to cuddle the little ones and take lots of pictures together!  

It was a very heartwarming day welcoming Micha into our Playhouse! 

Some families who attended the Meet and Greet with Micha reflect on the experience for them:  

Michele Moline, Benson’s mom shares: “When my son was born, his Down syndrome diagnosis was a surprise to us. Up until that point in my life I knew close to nothing about Down syndrome. It was also the start of the pandemic so it was very easy to feel alone. Luckily, someone recommended The Lucky Few podcast to me hosted by Micha Boyett, Heather Avis, and Mercedes Lara. I listened to the podcast all day long while I worked. I no longer felt alone. It felt like I was getting the inside guide to Down syndrome. Micha and her co-hosts enter each conversation with so much thoughtfulness and grace that it’s easy to feel like you’re in on the conversation. The Lucky Few podcast is what introduced me to GiGi’s Playhouse, a place that has brought so much comfort and acceptance into our lives. Getting to meet Micha at GiGi’s Playhouse Lancaster was something I had been wanting for 4 years now. It was my chance to thank her in person for the impact she has made on my life and my Down syndrome journey. Moms in our community who put their stories out there to show what it’s really like are so important to new parents coming into the space. We need the real picture and not the bleak Google search that tells you all the things your kid won’t do. I am so grateful for GiGi’s Playhouse Lancaster and for moms like Micha who take the time to walk alongside so many other moms and create a space of understanding and grace.” 

Paige Whiting, Jaya’s mom shares: “Meeting Micha was like meeting an old friend. I have been listening to her podcast, The Lucky Few, for 5+ years, and the way that she shares her story and Ace’s story is so real. My daughter with Down syndrome also has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Micha has helped me put words to my experience of feeling like I don’t fit into either diagnosis as a whole. She also gives me courage to show up. Getting to meet her and tell her how thankful I am for her voice was a gift to me and my kids. Thank you GiGi’s Playhouse Lancaster for hosting this event!” 

A little bit more about Micha 

Micha Boyett is a cohost of the award winning The Lucky Few Podcast, as well as a writer and speaker. Her most recent book Blessed Are The Rest of Us, is a memoir of her journey of raising her son Ace, who has a dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism. In the book she asks the question of what it means to be “blessed,” reframing the ancient teachings of The Beatitudes and exploring how our limits and longings provide a path for all of us to a whole and meaningful life.  

She is also the author of Found: A Story of Questions, Grace, and Everyday Prayer and a contributor to the New York Times bestseller A Rhythm of Prayer.  

Micha lives with her husband and three children in Northern New Jersey, works part-time as a youth pastor at Good Shepherd Church in New York City, and refuses to put anything but M&Ms in her froyo. 

We encourage you to check out Micha’s books and The Lucky Few podcast! Thank you Micha for visiting GiGi’s Playhouse Lancaster and sharing your time with us! We appreciate all you are doing in our community!  

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