Support Comes From Everywhere!

The Huntley Fire Department was the first fire department to make at team page for this year’s GiGi’s Playhouse 5K!  Some of these amazing firefighters were not even aware of what GiGi’s Playhouse was, so it was great to visit the station with some of our adult interns to show them what we are all about. We toured the station, and we educated them about all of GiGi’s FREE programs and our awesome store, Hugs & Mugs.

They were shocked to find out we have 45 locations across the US and Mexico and have way more inquires.


Firefighter Eric taught us about all the different roles that have to work together at the fire station, like the lieutenant, the paremedic, and the firefighters. He told us how he visits schools and workplaces to teach them about fire safety.

We learned a lot and Tim was so excited to sit front & center in the fire truck with the headset on! The trip wouldn’t have been complete without David and Tim sharing some of their best dance moves with the Huntley Firefighters.


We are hoping next time to be able to go on a ride along! We will keep you posted!

-Karen Owens

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