Latest Updates from GiGi’s Playhouse – Des Moines

Hello all!

Welcome back to our blog.  We are now up and running with a new site, and a new outlook on our blog.  With the new access that GiGi’s has provided, we are now able to keep you up to date on the latest news through our website!

The Playhouse is still closed pending the recent restoral.  Service Master and RMC Construction are hard at work to get our playhouse up and running by May 4th.  All activities have been canceled until then, but will resume immediately when all work is completed!  We are missing our families and will continue to keep you updated.

New at GiGi’s Playhouse – Circles Program: Social Boundaries 

GiGi’s is proud to announce the Circles Program available this summer at the Playhouse.  The Social Boundaries Classes assists students to discriminate different degrees of intimacy and to adapt their behaviors accordingly. The program teaches students how relationships can be formed and maintained according to the social norms of our day.

Register for the parent orientation now by email to: to say “YES you are coming to learn about our Circles Social Boundaries Program”.  Lauren & Laura will be hosting the Circles Program this Summer.  The orientation will let parents know what the kids will be learning, what you will need to bring to class and how you can help reinforce the program at home.  We are very excited to get the Circles Program started, Thank You to the Masons High 12 group of Des Moines for donating this program.  The Parent Orientation is on Sat, May 5 from 1-3pm; the suggested age for the program is 5 years & older and is open to all disabilities.
RSVP today at:!

Birdies for Charity

Click the link below to register your pledge for GiGi’s Playhouse. You can pledge as little as $.02 per birdie or a flat donation. The Principal Charity Classic will be held in Des Moines May 29-June 3! This is a FUN & EASY way to support our free programming! Follow this link:  Make Your Pledge Today for GiGi’s Playhouse-Des Moines
Tee-Off With GiGi’s “Friends of GiGi’s Golf Outing”
Register Now! 
Join  us on Saturday, May 19 at Copper Creek Golf Course in Pleasant Hill for 18 Holes of Golf & Down syndrome Awareness! Register your team or register as an individual, follow the link above or go to:
Your $100 registration includes: 18 holes of golf, cart, ‘swag’ bag, loads of FUN, and a gift to GiGi’s Playhouse-DSM! We will have prizes for best & worst teams!  It’s an 8am shotgun start, there will be a Silent Auction, Prizes and Golf!
**If your business is interested in Sponsoring the event please contact Troy at!  **
GiGi’s Playhouse – Des Moines is turning 2 years old!
On Saturday, May 22nd, 2010, we opened out doors for the first time to a crowd of over 300 families, friends, and supporters!  Three years later we have grown to over 600 families, voluntters, and supporters with more walking in the door EVERY DAY!  Come help us celebrate our birthday with cake, ice cream, and cookies Tuesday, May 15th from 6-7:30 p.m.  Meet our new Board Members, and discoer all of the amazing things we are bringing to Des Moines!  We look forward to seeing you all!

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