While our many programs are always free to our families, they are not free to us. Updating and constructing custom program materials and incubating new programs represent just some of our expenses. Your generous support combined with courage of our individuals will assuredly help make miracles happen.
General Programming Needs
- Paints (acrylic*, watercolor)
- Copy Paper*
- Sharpies
- Postcard Paper
- Art Canvases
- Stamps
- Name Tag Stickers
- Paper Towels*
- Toilet Paper*
- Clorox Wipes*
- Kitchen Garbage Bags
- Legal Size Envelopes
GiGi’s Café Programming Needs
- Eco Friendly Paper Coffee Cups
- Plastic Silverware
- Eco Friendly Plastic Water Cups
- Animal Crackers
- Juice Boxes
- Frozen Fruit and vegetables
- Fruit Snacks
- Popcorn Kernels*
- Paper Plates*
- Cutting Boards*
- Rubber Gloves*
Therapeutic Programming Needs
- Therapy Crawl Mats
- Basketball Balls
- Area Rugs (8 X10)
- Microphones
- Wooden Play Kitchen
- Foam Therapy Wedge+
- Microphones*
- Wooden Play Kitchen+
- Indoor Foam Jungle Gym
Career Center Programming Needs
- Canvases for art work
- 3-inch ring Binders
- Wide Ruled Lined
- 5-inch ring Binders
- Flash Drives
- Xyron ezLaminator Laminate Refill (size 9" x 60')*
*most needed
+most wanted
No words can truly express our appreciation. Our collective gratitude can be found in the smiles of thousands of children benefiting from our programs every week. It can be found in our learning labs every time a new word is articulated; every time a new color is memorized; every time an equation is solved; and every time our individuals’ unbridled courage is extended an opportunity to grow.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and consideration. Your generosity can truly transform lives. GiGi’s Playhouse is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, so your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law (tax #61-1611262). You can drop off donations Monday through Friday between 9am and 5pm. Please visit our online calendar to confirm hours.