Programs Overview for Individuals with Down Syndrome
Programs at GiGi’s Playhouse offer foundational learning opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community.
GiGi’s Playhouse programs are a place for parents/caregivers to share ideas and network with one another. We invite caregivers to communicate their needs, questions and concerns with one another, and promote connections to be made in support of each other. GiGi’s programs embrace the family and help aid the development of a healthy, successful relationship between parents, individuals with Down syndrome and siblings.
GiGi’s Playhouse programs support families in developing high expectations for their son or daughter with Down syndrome. Many families are blindsided by a diagnosis of Down syndrome in pregnancy or at birth. GiGi’s programs aim to help parents overcome the diagnosis and maintain high expectations for their child to achieve success in social, educational and employment opportunities in the future. Our staff and volunteers support parents in maintaining high expectations, even through challenging periods of time. By encouraging their child to follow routines and participate fully, parents take a big step in recognizing their child’s potential.

Goals for each GiGi’s Playhouse program:
- Create opportunities for parent networking and provide educational tools
- Instill high expectations for each participant to follow program routines and to fully participate in planned activities
- Motivate the child, parent and volunteers to give their “Best of All” in each program session
- Deliver purposeful programming tailored for individuals with Down syndrome, to include structured routines, purposeful activity planning and an (engaging/fun/creative) environment to foster development and encourage growth in individuals with Down syndrome
- Provide specific, therapeutic or educational learning opportunities to support development of speech-language, social, and motor skills tailored to addressing the universal challenges of individuals with Down syndrome
- Remove the barrier of cost for our participants by offering free programs
Research shows that individuals with Down syndrome tend to be “visual learners” and benefit from kinesthetic (movement) and auditory input (music, song) when learning. Utilizing a multi-sensory approach sets the individual up for the highest level of success. GiGi’s Playhouse programs offer a consistent program structure and routine, which lends to recognition and comprehension of program activities. For example, by ending the program with the same song each week, participants learn to anticipate the closure of the program and this helps increase cooperation through this transition. When children and families come to GiGi’s, they quickly learn the routine and expectations when taught from the beginning. Don’t miss out on this learning opportunity!
At GiGi’s Playhouse, each program has a therapeutic or educational focus. Even if it appears the participants are just having fun, they are learning and experiencing therapy in disguise at the same time. Whether working on social skills, motor skills, speech and language, reading, math, computers or just simple peer interaction, it is all purposeful fun! Along with the development of new skills comes self-esteem- the most important element to Playhouse programs. Self-esteem is formed not only in the child with Down syndrome, but in the family members as well.
Families and siblings are always welcome at GiGi’s Playhouse during programs or any time when the Playhouse is open. Parents are expected to remain at the Playhouse during programs, and be actively involved in supporting their child’s participation in program activities. Volunteers are also available to assist throughout the program.
Best of All
Best of All is continual, measurable, celebrated and it never ends. It is a daily challenge to do a little better than you did the day before and it is always celebrated. Possible manifestations include standing just one second longer, reading just one more word, learning just one new number, taking just one more step, it’s never a competition and is never completed. Learn more about Best of All HERE.