Making a Connection with Brian
At GiGi’s Playhouse, I meet a wide range of participants. I’ve met individuals with Down syndrome as young as three weeks old and adults in their 50s. Some are outgoing and very easy to get to know, including a few that would put Dale Carnegie to shame! And then there are participants like 27-year-old Brian, who I introduce to you today.
When I first met Brian, I’ll admit that I kept my distance. He’s not very communicative and difficult to understand when he speaks. But I have to say, the first time I heard him call my name clear as a bell from across the GiGi’s Kitchen — “John!” – it warmed my heart in a way I can hardly describe. And, although I often depend on the staff that accompany him each Tuesday at GiGi’s Playhouse to help me understand what he’s saying, we have entertaining conversations now. Even when he’s joking around and telling me how to do my job! But I figure I’m still new at this Executive Director thing and can use all the advice I can get. (But please don’t tell him that!)
And it’s a joy to see him take the stage during Music Makers as I cue up his favorite tunes. I particularly like “Freak the Freak Out” from a favorite Nickelodeon show of his, “Victorious”. (Don’t let that out, either, because my daughter will never let me live that down).
I think it’s so fabulous that Brian has a place like GiGi’s to be himself and be among friends that love him and want to be around him. Friends that join him up on stage when he sings or ask him to join them when they do. It’s friendships like this that I get to witness every week.
And I learned something new about Brian this week. I learned that he never took any interest in cooking before he started coming to GiGi’s Kitchen. Now he enjoys helping prepare meals at home, which affirms part of GiGi’s mantra to believe, educate and inspire.
Here is a picture of Brian with Kitchen volunteer Chris.
P.S. Before I posted this blog, I asked Brian’s mother for permission first. I was so touched to get this beautiful reply: “I love this so much! It made me cry. The impact GiGi’s has had on Brian is evident, but to hear the impact Brian has had on others is such a Blessing 💙 I’m very proud of him & I’m absolutely thrilled that GiGi’s wants to share Brian on their blog. It advocates for these wonderful, special people in our lives!!”
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