Girl Scouts Cookies and GiGi’s Playhouse? What a Great Combination!
It’s Girl Scout Cookie season again, and two sisters in Grimes came up with a clever marketing idea to help them toward their goal of selling 810 boxes of those delightful treats by involving a cause near and dear to them.
When seven-year-old Leah and eight-year-old Kaylee started their cookie drive this year, they invited friends and family to consider buying cookies to donate to GiGi’s Playhouse (in addition to buying them for themselves). The idea came to them, in part, because their four-year-old brother Zach has Down syndrome. And even though they’ve seen what GiGi’s means to Zach and other participants his age, they decided that the adult participants at GiGi’s deserve an act of kindness, too. So, they chose to give the cookies to Fantastic Friends, a Friday night program that brings together adults with Down syndrome for fellowship and karaoke fun.
They stopped by the Playhouse this week with their delivery, and we couldn’t pass up this photo opportunity: Leah on the left and Kaylee on the right, surrounded by 32 boxes of Thin Mints, Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties and more! When Executive Director John Claes asked them why they decided to do this, they said, “We thought it was a great idea to help both the Girl Scouts and GiGi’s.”
The Girl Scout Cookie website says that selling America’s favorite cookie gives young girls experience in goal setting, money management, decision-making, and business ethics. For Leah and Kaylee, you can add caring and compassion to that list!
GiGi’s Playhouse thanks you both!
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