Buddy Walk Volunteers Needed
June 6, 2012
We are looking for Volunteers to help with the
15th Annual Central Iowa Buddy Walk!
15th Annual Central Iowa Buddy Walk!
In order to make this day the BEST day ever we need VOLUNTEERS like you to help!
Please click here: www.volunteermatch.org to register to be a Volunteer!
Kids Area
Coordinate the craft area, face painting, tattoos, games
Coordinate the craft area, face painting, tattoos, games
Advocacy Area
Hand out Pamphlets, answer questions about Down syndrome
Volunteer Coordinator
Coordinate volunteers time slots & positions
Coordinate volunteers time slots & positions
Facilitate day of Registrations
Facilitate day of Registrations
Raffle Sales
Sell Raffle Tickets from 8:30am-Noon
Sell Raffle Tickets from 8:30am-Noon
Food Coordinator
Coordinate the food lines, coordinate the food volunteers, keep food tables stocked
Silent Auction
Set-up auction area, close auction, collect auction payments
Responsible for fruit/snack donation, coordinate volunteers, set-up route signs, etc
General Volunteer
This could be in any of the following areas: Food area, Kids area, Advocacy area, Registration, Raffle, Silent auction, 5k, etc. Where ever we need your help!
Upcoming Meetings
Join us for the following Buddy Walk Meetings, if you cannot attend but want to volunteer please Register by Clicking Here!
Wednesday, June 6 at 6:30pm
Wednesday, June 6 at 6:30pm
Wednesday, July 11 at 6:30pm
The Committee meets at GiGi’s Playhouse:10430 New York Ave Ste A in Urbandale, IA
Bring a friend!
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