Family Stories – Avery and Wesley

Down syndrome is a gift. It’s a gift of presence. To slow down. Stop. Wait. Notice. Watch. Listen. Savor.

Kayla, Avery’s mom, shares a glimpse into her story of raising two beautiful kiddos – Avery and Wesley. Poetically, she teaches us how to slow down and savor each moment. She allows us to embrace the highs, lows, and messy parts of life. Despite society’s pressure to constantly strive for perfection, Kayla’s words grant us the permission to allow the unpredictable, miraculous, and resilient pieces of our individual stories the opportunity to shine. Which, is that not what we all are seeking? A chance for each of us to unapologetically live, learn, and shine.

Life moves fast. Blink and you’ll miss it. These are all things people say but that is meaningless until you learn the lessons for yourself.

Avery is 3 and a half. She is spirited and chatty and smiley and snuggly and warm. She climbs and counts to 20 and sings her ABCs and does knobby puzzles and goes down the big slide all by herself.

And each new thing she does is amazing. Watching Avery learn is like watching a butterfly climb out of its chrysalis in slow motion. Every day she becomes more and more of her own little person.

Avery has a brother – Wesley. He’s 1 and a half. And he, too, is growing every day. It’s MIRACULOUS the things kids learn all by themselves. Wesley’s growth is like watching a well-oiled machine with all its parts neatly aligned – everything clicking into place one after the other. Click, click, click, click, whiz, whir. Every day he learns something new that I’m pretty sure no one taught him. He’s a “big boy” and he wants to climb the stairs all by himself. He counts to 10. He, too, does knobby puzzles – lightning quick!

I would not know to stop. wait. notice. listen. watch. savor. these moments with Wesley had I not watched Avery try, try, and try again. All my life I’ve been like Wes – just “getting it”. I’ve never had to try, but Avery – Avery is so resilient! Yes, she wants to quit when it’s hard, but if you encourage her, she will keep going, and OH BOY – the celebration once she figures it out is MAGICAL.

Don’t miss out on the journey because you are so eager to get to your destination. There is much to see along the way.

If you are interested in sharing your story, please email our Operations Manager, Mary at:

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