Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa

two women standing together smiling
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I love helping people! I work as an Office Manager at CommQuest Detox. I have two therapy dogs and I test animals to be therapy animals. We have volunteered at the hospital, the library and here at the Playhouse. I have one daughter and two beautiful grandkids (Josie and Elijah – they are my heart!) My grandson, Elijah was born with Down syndrome and I wanted to volunteer here to help individuals like Elijah. I also volunteer in the Literacy Tutoring program here.

We want to get to know you! What are some of your favorites? (food, color, season, activity, restaurant, place to shop, etc.)

Wow! My favorite color is purple (I believe that might be my granddaughter, Josie’s favorite color this week, LOL). While I love all the changing seasons, fall is probably my favorite – the colors, the smells, the clothes. I am a bargain hunter so anywhere I can find a good deal is my favorite place to shop. When Josie stays with me we always hit up Milk and Honey for lunch or dinner and mint chocolate chip ice cream!

How did you learn about GiGi’s and what prompted you to become a volunteer?

Originally, I was searching for a place that my dogs, Bella and Dalia, and I could volunteer during COVID since we were not able to volunteer at the hospital. Because my grandson, Elijah was born with Down syndrome, GiGi’s became a place that was very special to me and I have met so many amazing individuals here.

What is your role at the Playhouse?

Currently, I am a tutor for the literacy program and I tutor a very sweet young lady once a week. I love seeing her smiling face. It is a nice change to spend time with her, hearing about her week and helping her to become a better reader!

What is your favorite experience you have had at the Playhouse?

There have been so many fun experiences coming here! I love coming in for Destination Discovery and bringing Bella to see the kids. I have met so many amazing individuals here and watched them benefit from the programs here at GiGi’s.

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