Sexuality and Down Syndrome:

Birds do it, Bees do it, Even People with Disabilities Do it.

Love is in the air and for parents of preteens and teenagers with Down syndrome, the topic of the birds, the bees and sexuality can be very intimidating.

Years ago people with intellectual disabilities were assumed to have a maturity level of children. However, in actuality, adolescents with Down syndrome have the same hormone changes, feelings, needs and desires as their typical peers.

The difference lies in their social skill development, trust and decision making ability. Therefore, it is important from an early age for parents to approach issues of sexuality with their child and work on these social and decision making skills through practice and role play.

Young people need to understand that their feelings are normal, they need to be aware of their bodies – what is appropriate touch and inappropriate touch, what is public and private, and what changes to expect as they approach puberty. They also need to understand how to apply positive relationship behaviors.

While dating can be confusing for anyone, teens with T21 may need a confidant who can help them navigate through it. Keeping open lines of communication is important.

It is also important for parents to be informed and keep a watchful eye. Our kids are more at risk for abuse and mistreatment. However, we should not let that get in the way of normal, healthy human relationships.

Here are two resources about sexuality and dating that may help you and your teen prepare:

Sexuality and Down Syndrome

Top Ten Questions about Down Syndrome and Sex
Happy Valentines Day!

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