Meet our NEW GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau Board President!

How and when did you first get involved with GiGi’s Playhouse?

I first became involved with GiGi’s Playhouse in March of 2021.

In early 2021, I heard GiGi’s Playhouse being advertised on the radio, and I was intrigued by the organization as I had not heard of it before, so when a co-worker’s wife introduced me to the Board of Managers, I was eager to learn more.

Why did you decide to join the Board of Managers or volunteer at GiGi’s?

I decided to join the Board of Managers for GiGi’s Playhouse because I wanted to be a part of an organization which can and will have a profound impact on its community. My husband works with individuals with developmental barriers which allowed me to recognize quickly what an important resource GiGi’s Playhouse is for families in the community.

 What does GiGi’s mean to you?

GiGi’s means acceptance, kindness and embracing each other’s differences.

What does your role at GiGi’s look like?

My role at GiGi’s is to help guide the organization as it focuses on its long-term strategic direction of being the top resource for individuals with disabilities and their families.

What is your favorite thing about the GiGi’s community?

The support the community gives each other. This support is highlighted every week through the contributions of our volunteers. But I think the support of our community was highlighted most by our first annual 5K Glow Fun Run/Walk.

The event was a part of the GIGIFIT national movement. We organized it as a glow fun run, because “We are all the same in the darkness. Let your uniqueness glow!” The outpouring support from the community was felt not only through the monetary donations received, but also through the physical presence at the event. Hundreds of people from our community turned out to support GiGi’s and enjoy a day celebrating everything GiGi’s is about.

What does Down syndrome awareness and acceptance look like to you?

I think our Generation G movement embodies what Down syndrome awareness and acceptance looks like. Making the conscious decision to be better every day.

Be Accepting.

Be Generous.

Be Kind.

What from our community are you most proud of?

I am proud of how far GiGi’s Playhouse has come in the short period of time GiGi’s has been open and the number of families the Playhouse has served even through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The individuals who were a part of the start-up committee and who did the work to open a brick-and-mortar Playhouse in the Wausau community knew the impact the Playhouse could have on the community and worked immensely hard to accomplish that goal.

What do you want the GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau community to know?

GiGi’s doesn’t just serve the Down syndrome community, its doors are open to individuals with different diagnoses such as autism and sensory processing disorder. The Playhouse provides families with peace of mind, a place where they can find support and unconditional acceptance. It’s a powerful resource that has such a profound impact on the community. That’s my main motivation for being involved.

What have you learned as a volunteer? How have you been impacted by being a volunteer?

Never discount a person, ever. If you give people the space to grow and a space to where they feel accepted as they are, they will flourish! GiGi’s Playhouse has this impact on its participants, but also, its volunteers, it is truly a special place.

How do you enjoy spending your free time?

I enjoy spending my free time with my husband and our dog outside. I like to run, although I used to be a sprinter, I tend to focus on longer distances now, I ran my first half marathon last May!

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