Be inspired by your Youth Board President

GiGi’s Playhouse Wausau has been very lucky in establishing such an engaging Youth Board with super amazing youth from our local community! Read Cassidy’s speech on why she wants to be GiGi’s Youth Board President…and yes, she won the vote!

GiGi’s Playhouse’s mission is to change the way the world views Down syndrome and to send a global message of acceptance for all. It’s a change that needs to be made, and we can all be a part of it. I joined GiGi’s because I have family that are part of the down syndrome community. My cousin Grace was born with Down syndrome and I am always inspired by her. She’s always smiling and has so much love for life! I want to make the world a better place for her. I want her to wake up one morning when she’s older and be accepted not only by family and friends but by the world. GiGi is such a big part of my life all ready. It shows me that it’s possible for grace and all the other families and individuals with down syndrome to be accepted. I was so excited to hear about GiGi’s because I knew deep down that the change this community needed was happening. I joined GiGi’s Playhouse to be a part of that change. The change is achievable but only if we make it possible. That is why I am running for president.

Being a part of my community has always been a passion of mine. 6th through 7th grade, I’ve been in Be Amazing and I plan to continue it throughout Jr. high and high school. Last summer I just started Be One Of The Kind, which is a project in downtown Wausau. I just became an advocate for Peyton’s Promise, and now I’m also a youth board member for GiGi’s. Next year I will be starting 1 group hip hop, 1 completion group jazz and a competitive hip hop solo dance class, I was accepted on the Everest youth dance team. Next year I will be taking all honors classes besides science. I graduated middle school with a silver presidential award and next year I plan on working harder and harder to achieve a 3.8 or 4.0 GPA. This summer I will be doing a midsummers night dream which is a Shakespeare play. I’ve gotten summer jobs for walking a dog, and watching cats while my neighbor is in Virginia. Every March I do a pancake breakfast for the open door which is an organization that helps men and women who are getting released from jail and it helps them get back on their feet. It provides them with counseling and job resources, even clothes. As you can tell I invest my time in many community organizations but I’m very good at balancing it all. That’s another reason why I would make a great president, not only am I involved in many community organizations but I can handle big roles and big responsibilities. I’ve always been able to help and make decisions accurately. I’m always multitasking and completing tasks quickly and efficiently.

Even if that isn’t enough I’m very passionate about GiGis and will put so much time and effort into this organization. Being a part of this organization is enough motivation to make a change. Being president isn’t just being responsible but it’s also about being passionate and that’s exactly what I am. I will spread awareness about GiGi’s, I will spread acceptance and kindness just like any other board member would. I might not be the most experienced member but I work just as hard and I’m just as passionate. I’m prepared and have an A+ attitude, I will attend meetings and events, and I’m great at communication. I really feel like I would be a great fit for this position and I hope you all can see that I am a great fit for the role of president. Thank you!

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  1. Carrie Schjoth on June 17, 2020 at 8:12 am

    Cassidy is an AWESOME young lady. She will do well as the Youth Board President for Gigi’s Playhouse. Can’t wait to see you shine, Cassidy!

  2. Diane Jensen on June 17, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    WOW! Very proud of your passion and willingness to be involved. Nice work

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