Volunteer Spotlight – Generation G Youth Board President Luke

Meet our Generation G Youth Board President Luke

As you may have seen from our previous Generation G Youth Board Blog, the Youth Board has gone through some major changes and developments. This is in part due to the leadership and initiation skills brought on by it’s new President, Luke. We can only imagine his transition from member to leader, but he certainly takes it all in great stride and confidence.

We asked Luke to share a bit about his volunteer experience and here is what he shared:

I found out about GiGi’s through my older sister, Celeste, who was the youth board president before me. She was the one who encouraged me to start volunteering and become a member of the youth board a few years ago. I’m very grateful for the opportunity she gave me, as I’ve loved all the time I’ve spent with GiGi’s so far and look forward to continue volunteering here.

My favorite thing about volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse is the relationships I develop with all of the volunteers and participants, and how it feels like I’m part of the GiGi’s community. I think getting a larger location would be beneficial for the San Diego Playhouse, and I can’t wait for these plans to come to fruition.

Just recently Luke and the Youth Board applied for their first fundraising grant of which was indeed granted and will venture further developing those fundamental writing, outreach techniques. He is also pushing the Youth Board to go above and beyond as they start their GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge Donut Run fundraising experience.


In his time as a GiGi’s volunteer, Luke has certainly shown what dedication and initiation can do. We can only imagine all the awesome things he has instore for not only the Generation G Youth Board but his own personal development into an amazing member of the San Diego community.

Rock on Luke!

If you would like to know more about the San Diego Generation G Youth Board, please visit:

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