We need a retail property owner or commercial landlord!
GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego is Official
After lots of work, we have completed filing our LLC and have become our own entity. This is a major milestone that could not have happened without the support and dedication of so many people. Thank you! Now it’s time for our final step…
We are looking for our retail space!
We have been hard at work searching for our brick and mortar location. Our team has the funds and is ready to sign a lease, unfortunately, we have yet to find a location that is ready for us. A big part of GiGi’s Playhouse is changing the way people view Down syndrome and to help achieve a global acceptance of all disabilities. This hurdle further cements our team’s dedication to bring GiGi’s Playhouse to San Diego – We just need a little help getting our foot in the door.
Do you know a retail property owner or a commercial landlord?
If you know anyone who wants some AMAZING new tenants, have them get in touch with us. We are on the lookout for at least 1,500 -2,000 sq. ft. retail space, near freeways, with good parking & a central location to serve the entire county (such as Miramar, Kearny Mesa or Clairemont). We are also open to co-sharing a space with another complementary organization.
So super excited for you!!!