‘I Have a Voice’ Gala – Meet Brian Donovan!

On October 13th, GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego, a Down Syndrome Achievement Center, will gather in an Enchanted Forest, right here in downtown San Diego! Surrounded by a beautiful setting, we will wine and dine, have some laughs, hear amazing stories and hopefully walk away with a prize or two from the auctions or raffles. However, the most important thing we will take away from that night is a feeling of gratitude and satisfaction.

Every single person who attends will go home that night knowing that, thanks to them, GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego will continue to offer FREE programs for children and adults with Down syndrome. Thanks to them, we will be able to offer MORE programs. Programs designed to help participants work towards their ‘Best of All’. Thanks to them, parents will build connections and networks. These will help them navigate through red tape, sleepless nights or simply hang out with others walking the same path.

Will you be one of them Buy your tickets!

Our Keynote Speaker

Brian Donovan is the director/producer of the award winning documentary, Kelly’s Hollywood, currently on Showtime Networks. The film is a very personal portrait of his relationship with his sister, Kelly, who was born with Down syndrome. One of his greatest joys has been screening and speaking about the film across the USA, creating awareness and advocating for those with special needs. He also created and produced the children’s self empowerment show, Mighty Me Training Camp, a top title on Discovery Education streaming.

GiGi's Playhouse Down Syndrome Gala San Diego Keynote

Brian has worked as an actor for over 25 years in hundreds of commercials and voiceovers as well as dozens of film and television projects with such Hollywood luminaries as Angelina Jolie, Jim Carrey, Gabriel Byrne and Jim Belushi. Television roles include the award winning Gia, Beverly Hills 90210, Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Wings. Currently, he is every kids taijutsu hero, Rock Lee in the world famous anime series, Naruto.

In addition, Brian is the Executive Director of the nonprofit Los Angeles Repertory Theatre, providing inner-city youth with performing arts workshops. He directed and produced their educational documentary, You Got Issues about one of their critically acclaimed workshops.

Brian lives with his family and dog Cosmo in Los Angeles, CA.

Buy your tickets today!

As you can see, this will be an event to remember! Perhaps you have a direct connection with Down syndrome…you’re a parent or a sibling or a grandparent or an aunt or uncle. Maybe it’s through a friend of yours. Or quite possibly, there is no connection at all – except for the human connection. That connection which makes you realize the need for GiGi’s to exist. Let’s build on those connections and invite friends, family and coworkers so they can experience the magic 0f GiGi’s Playhouse firsthand…we will be in an Enchanted Forest, after all. Buy your tickets today!

If you wish to promote your business by donating an item, experience, etc. to add to our auctions or if you wish to become a Sponsor please email kfalk@gigisplayhouse.org for more information.

Down syndrome, Fundraiser, San Diego

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  1. Jack horta on October 14, 2018 at 2:18 am

    Hey guys this is jack horta but I was born in San Diego and I do have Down syndrome because I have voice in myself. Become as self advocate living with special needs boy. Wanted to be independently young adult. Into adulthood next year when I turn 21.

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