

Our first guest writer!

This week, we are honored to introduce Robyn Smith to our readers. Some of you may already know her as she took the #GenerationG pledge and has been involved with GiGi’s San Diego for quite some time, wearing many hats especially within our outreach efforts. Her role has now evolved to Vice President of our Board. A mom of two, she has been so kind to share with us one of the most exciting milestones in Parenthood.


Robyn’s Words

This is something I’ve spent a lot of time waiting for. The moment when he trusted the people around him, his body, his balance, and he did it. He let go and went for it, he took his first steps. There’s a wide range of when this happens for children with Down syndrome, the average is age two.

My son, Charlie, had more to overcome to take those steps. He has to work extra hard for things that come easy to others. But he’s given me the opportunity to celebrate all of the little milestones in between, the ones that went by so fast for his twin sister. He’s made my heart fuller, more understanding, more patient, more appreciative, and ready to fight harder.

We waited four and a half years for his first steps. Four and a half years where some people told us “that’s just the way these kids are”, some therapists have given up on him telling us that he just doesn’t respond to therapy, that it’s a waste of time. So what did it, what got him to the point where his legs were strong enough, his balance was steady, and he had the courage to let go? It’s the people who did believe in him.  The people who tried new ways when something didn’t work. The people who took the time to get to know him, figure out what motivates him, and didn’t give up. And it took time, sometimes we all need a little more time when we’re faced with a challenge, time to let go and take that first step.

GiGi’s Playhouse in San Diego

Our San Diego start-up team has had a lot of firsts to celebrate lately. We recently attended our first GiGi’s Playhouse National conference (which happened to be when my son decided to take his first steps), we’re getting ready to sign the lease on our first GiGi’s Playhouse location in California, and we just started our new blog with our first post on Giving Tuesday.

These firsts may seem little to some, but they feel like huge leaps to us. I can’t wait to celebrate new milestones at our San Diego GiGi’s Playhouse.  A place filled with positivity and high expectations. A place for families to grow and learn and become #gigisstrong, #strongertogether. San Diego, are you ready for #generationG?

Whatever your challenge, sometimes you just have to let go and go for it.

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  1. Mary Mahoney on December 9, 2016 at 11:42 am

    Hi Robyn,
    I enjoyed reading this article. Your little Charlie is so lucky to have a patient, kind, and loving mom! I know he will continue to grow and learn under your guidance and care. Best wishes in all your work at Gigi’s.
    Mary Mahoney

    • Robyn Smith on December 12, 2016 at 11:27 pm

      Thanks Mary

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