Community Strong!

Building a meaningful community one station at a time!

A huge shout out Kacey McKinnon at KUSI for being our local news reporter assisting GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego in raising awareness and Acceptance for all during October Down Syndrome Awareness month.

As you can see our Ambassador Clark has made that connection and has been requested several times to share all the meaning and wonderful things GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego has been able to to offer. Most recently in celebration of October and Down Syndrome Awareness month.

This was an especially awesome month for GiGi’s San Diego as it was also our 1st Annual Golf with a Purpose event, which was held on Saturday October 21, 2023 at the beautiful Riverwalk Golf Club in Mission Valley. The San Diego sun made it a perfect day for a golf tournament and even better dinner with silent auction.

We have to say KSUI and Kacey have been amazing with building community relationships and spreading that so needed awareness and acceptance. We could be more proud to call them a community partner! #communitystrong #strongertogether

Click picture above to watch the KUSI TV interview. ▶️🔊🎥

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