Learning at its finest!

From our Site Coordinator: “On this cold and rainy Tuesday morning while sitting at my desk, I can hear a participant, her mom, and the tutor jumping around like frogs while singing ribbit, ribbit, ribbit as part of the literacy session.  This is just one time out of many that I have heard cheers, singing, clapping and other noises coming from the learning lab. This is what I would call learning at its finest!”

#BestofAll It’s fun and learning all rolled into one!

You will never see a tutoring session here at GiGi’s solely based on worksheets. Not saying there won’t be worksheets involved but there will be so much more behind the learning of those math problems or sight words than what the worksheets offer.

Our tutors go above and beyond to meet their students where they are on their leaning journey. They do their best to introduce new words, numbers and skills in a way that the student can understand. The recent video released by our national office “How I Learn” explains how important it is to be in tune to how each individual learns and how to think outside the box when working with them. It can be seen here: https://gigisplayhouse.org/howilearn

If you’re a parent, teacher, neighbor, friend, or classmate you may have to get creative when working with an individual with Down syndrome or any other person that learns differently than you do. Learning differently is not wrong it’s just different and that’s OK because learning is learning! Learning while singing, clapping, cheering, and dancing is not only still considered learning it’s fun and entertaining too!

The above-mentioned tutoring session also incorporated an exercise using a jumping frogs game and a blue platter as a pond. This might look like playing to most but what they may not know is that….PLAY is learning too!

*Sorry no picture available. We tried but didn’t want to distract from the learning taking place.

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