Love Our Team – Anna Carmichael
This team member deserves a special triple A membership with all the miles she puts on her car coming to GiGi’s programs and events. Her daughter Abby won the Participant of the Year Award at the 2022 Gala because they attend every program possible even though they live outside of the immediate Quad Cities.
Please helps show some love to Anna Carmichael! Anna is a nurse with Advantage Nursing Services and is a board member not only for GiGi’s Playhouse but also Abilities Plus.
She originally heard about GiGi’s from a friend and has been part of the Playhouse ever since. Their first attended programs back in 2015 and Anna joined the board in 2021.
“We initially became involved to seek added positive, appropriate educational/social activities for our fabulous daughter Abby and info for our family. We are so blessed and grateful to be a part of this amazingly awesome GiGi’s family ❣️”
Anna said “Absolutely!” when asked if she would encourage others to get involved with GiGi’s. She also said “Attend an event and/or volunteer for a program at varying age levels to experience the amazing atmosphere of love, support, acceptance, encouragement. Whether volunteering, fundraising or participating in programs…all involvement is supportive/rewarding.”
A fun fact about Anna is “I wish tacos 🌮 and all Mexican/Cajun food was a diet food😉!”
Oh, Anna we wish the same…maybe we should hold a Taco fundraiser to Tacobout GiGi’s?!?!