a small community making a huge impact

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If you live in the Quad Cities, you have heard of Prophetstown, a small community of around 2,000 about 45 minutes outside of the Quad Cities metropolitan area. Prophetstown High School is home to the Prophetstown Lady Prophets basketball team and Lady Prophet, Lexi Rangel.  Lexi is cousin to our Playhouse friend Zoey whose parents first came to GiGi’s Playhouse in 2013 when Zoey was one month old; just days after learning of Zoey’s diagnosis.

With the IMG_7097 (1280x853)leadership of Lexi, the Prophetstown Lady Prophets organized “Dribblin’ for Down Syndrome” held Thursday, December 3, 2015.  The Lady Prophets secured over $2,000 in sponsorships for the event, sold $3,000 in event t-shirts (even purchased and proudly worn by the opposing team from Sterling Newman – thank you!), and held a bake sale, raffle and silent auction during the event.  All proceeds from the event will benefit GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities to help Zoey and all of her amazing friends achieve their #bestofall.IMG_7092 (1280x853)

It’s hard to describe the love and support felt in the packed gymnasium that night.  Thank you to Dan Eyrich from “Around P-Town” for the amazing video of the event which can be seen. HERE.  Please join these players as a part of #generationG.  Together we are making a difference.  Together we are creating change.  Together, we are shaping a brighter future for this compassionate young students and individuals of all abilities.  Thank you, Lexi and the Lady Prophets, for believing and for sharing the GiGi’s mission with your teammates, school and your community!



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