Volunteer Spotlight – Taylor and Amanda

This month we would like to recognize Taylor and Amanda in the Volunteer Spotlight! They have been volunteering here at the Playhouse since last fall. They are both currently working as Social Work Interns at local Quad City area schools and anticipate to graduate in May of this year with our MSW...

GiGi Prep – Confidence and Communication

Just like anything in life, the best way to be successful is through confidence and practice! GiGi Prep is a unique six-week program offered to adults 18 and older with Down syndrome that focuses on healthy habits, confidence, and career skills. This is the beginning of the GiGi U continuum...

321 days of meeting new friends

Have you been enjoying all the social media buzz around the 321 days of acceptance? We have! It's fun to be introduced to participants from Playhouses around the network. We've met Lexi, Leo, Griffin, and Brooke just to name a few. We consider them our friends even though we may...

It’s field trip time of year!

Making the Most of Field Trips (Information from Handy Handout 282 from Super Duper Inc) Field trips are beginning again at school for the spring. They are a fun way for children to learn as they explore different places outside the classroom. Children can find field trips to be exciting...

321…. the countdown is on

If you following the blog or Facebook page for GiGi's national office, you may have noticed an exciting announcement that was made yesterday. In 4 days, GiGi's as a nationwide network will be launching a new awareness initiative related to World Down Syndrome Day which is March 21st (3/21). We will...

Volunteer Spotlight – Beth Takemoto

Please help us celebrate Beth Takemoto as the Volunteer Spotlight this month.  Beth has been volunteering at the Playhouse for about 4 years.  Beth works for John Deere as a Manufacturing Engineering Supervisor.  She attended Iowa State University with a major in Industrial Engineering and earned an EMBA from Iowa...

Volunteer Spotlight

Please help us recognize Jordan Furosi as the Volunteer Spotlight for the month. Jordan is originally from San Jose, CA and is currently a student at Augustana college. He began volunteering at the Playhouse this past fall as part of as assignment/project for a class. He is Communications Studies major,...

Host Families

Host Families: Why are they so important? GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities runs programs mostly on weekends, and families here in the Quad Cities enjoy spending mornings with us. We love spending weekend mornings with all of you! We have many different types of volunteers here at the Playhouse. We have...

On the fence about volunteering at GiGi’s?

Have you thought about volunteering at GiGi's but just haven't taken the steps to do it? Have you been thinking about spending more time volunteering but not sure when, where, or how? Check out the recent blog post that our national office shared! It may not only help you jump...

Volunteer Spotlight

Please help us welcome Estefani to the Playhouse. She is a new volunteer but has put in many hours over the past few weeks. She has done everything from cleaning and organizing to preparing mailings and making copies. Anything we have asked her to do she has done with a...

We laugh, dance, eat…

This is the third in a series of blog articles related to the upcoming “i have a voice” Gala. Last week we heard from Brian and he told you that “Gala is a blast” This week we introduce you to Mayra and Maricela. They are from Muscatine, Iowa. For those of...

“Gala is a blast”

Part two in the series of blog posts related to the upcoming Gala. Last week, you heard from Beth about how the Gala is a celebration. This week Brian, one of our board members is telling you “It’s a blast!” Brian has also been one of the featured speakers at...