Down Syndrome Acceptance Month – 21 Acts of Kindness

Down Syndrome Acceptance Month – 21 Acts of Kindness

It’s already the middle of October which means we are half way through Down syndrome awareness/acceptance month.  You may have noticed that we have not been posting daily regarding Down Syndrome Acceptance month.  We’ve seen the cute photos with the facts being shared and we think those are great! Keep sharing because they provide facts and other data that the public needs to be aware of. Building awareness and acceptance is something we strive for every day here at GiGi’s. It’s part of our mission and vision.

This October we took most of our acceptance month activities off-line. Our activities have included delivering letters and packets to local OB/Gyn offices to encourage them to provide the Down syndrome diagnosis in a kind, gentle and accepting manner. The packets are for new families receiving the diagnosis and provide information about Down syndrome and GiGi’s services. We want all new families to feel welcome and understood. We also want to connect them to other families as soon as possible and we hope that the packets will help make that happen.

All month-long we have also been participating in the Kindness Rocks Project and provided 21 rocks to be shared in the community and we encourage you to share 21 of your own. We’ve also been planning and performing 21 Acts of Kindness to in an effort to give back to 21 of our donors, volunteers, and supporters. We will share these on social media so stay tuned in there to see who the lucky recipients are. We have also continued to share the daily #321daysofacceptance posts because we feel that acceptance goes beyond the month of October. There’s still a few days left in the month will you join us in sharing these posts and performing 21 Act of Kindness?

You can print out this Acts of Kindess card to give out when you perform your acts of kindness.

Another way to give back is to give blood so we’re hosting our first ever blood drive here at the Playhouse on Monday, October 30th. If you are a regular blood donor or know someone who is, we’d love to have you donate in our effort to give back to the community that gives so much to us. Click here to find out more about the blood drive.

Thank you all for being accepting, generous and kind and helping spead kindness in the commuity on our behalf.

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