February 2025 Best of All #bestofall

February is full of love and laughter and here at GiGi’s is no exception! We held an all-new fundraising event and new programs too! Below are just some of the Best of All moments that we picked to highlight!

Participant Best of All

Our Busy Hands: Bigger Plans program for 5-8-year-olds has been meeting every Tuesday evening and the participants are working hard to achieve their #bestofall. Pax, Emma, Grace, and Amelia show up every week excited to see the leaders Maddie, Kloe, and Isabelle. While this program is primarily a handwriting group, they focus on the many skills necessary for handwriting. Fine motor, sensory awareness, social interactions, and language skill development are all incorporated. They take a few breaks and get the wiggles out with hopscotch and other large motor activities too! We are so proud of these participants and volunteers!

Volunteer Spotlight

We know we’ve mentioned our spring interns before but they are seriously a rock star group of volunteers. Maddie, Kloe, and Isabelle are leading and/or assisting with many programs this spring! Without them, we would not have had such a great lineup of programs. We can’t thank them enough for their time, commitment, and willingness to help. Not sure who they are? Click here to see our previous blog.

Playhouse Inspiration

We held our first-ever Art Show, and it was AMAZING! The playhouse was buzzing with activity and excitement. Thanks to participants and community donations, there were hundreds of art pieces to choose from. A few long-time supporters in attendance had never been to the playhouse before, and we loved being able to visit with them and have their family and friends show them around. The #bestofall was seeing participants proudly show their family and friends the pieces they created.

Thank you to Scooter’s Coffee and Sugar Ala Mode for their generous donations of cocoa and cookies. Blick Art Materials also generously donated a variety of art supplies! Additional thanks to the Figge Art Museum and Vibrant Credit Union for allowing us to use their tables and easels.

We raised close to $3500 for the playhouse, and while this was a small fundraiser for us, it was a night that is hard to sum up into words. You had to be there to feel the love. Not only was the art made with heart, but the playhouse was bursting with love, friends, family, and pride!

If you missed it, there are still a few pieces of artwork available. Check them out here.

YOU can submit your Best of All stories and moments too!

Staff typically choose these stories, but we’d love to hear from you too! If you see or hear something worth highlighting, please let us know!

309-762-7529 or email quadcities@gigisplayhouse.org


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