Play & Leisure…It is Important!
Please help us welcome Paige Blazina to the Playhouse as our current Occupational Therapy (OT) Intern.
She is here to tell you all about the importance of play and leisure. It really is important!
Paige is a student at St. Ambrose University studying occupational therapy, graduating in May of 2021.
Prior to starting her journey in graduate school, she attended Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, Iowa. There, she received her Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree. She then transferred to St. Ambrose University to complete her bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in biology. Once entering grad school, she discovered her interest in play and leisure participation and its impact on occupational performance, which is now her doctoral topic. During her second year in grad school, she then conducted research with a focus on play and leisure in teen mothers and pregnant teens.
Now, at GiGi’s Playhouse, she will be providing education, resources, and activities for the Playhouse participants and their families for engagement in play and leisure activities in hopes to increase occupational performance.
Paige will be facilitating special play and leisure themed Family Speaker Nights, Volunteer Appreciation Night, and 2 & Under programming in the coming months so be sure to visit the calendar to learn more about those and RSVP to attend. She will also be tutoring and overseeing handwriting and keyboarding sessions.
Paige needs your help though! She needs to know more about your play, leisure, and life balance to help guide her in planning the above-mentioned events, resources, and programs. Please help us help her by taking the short survey found here. There’s a chance to win a gift certificate at the end of the survey. (Who could use a 60-minute massage?)
What do you do for play/leisure? Is it scrapbooking, golfing, snowmobiling, yoga? Let’s hear it!
Leave a comment below telling us about your favorite play and/or leisure activity! (But don’t forget to take the survey too! Deadline to enter for the drawing is Feb 28th)
You all will love Paige!
We are so excited to have her with us this spring!