Quad Cities Gala 2024 Web Header

Gala 2024

Join us on National Meet New Friends Day (October 19, 2024) for our annual fundraising gala. In honor of this day and all the friendships formed here at GiGi's, the event is FRIENDS-themed this year and we can't wait for the Central Perk-Coffee Pull. Doors will open at 5:30 pm...

Dementia & Down Syndrome

People with Down syndrome are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia, at earlier ages than the rest of the aging population. Dementia can be difficult to diagnose in people with Down syndrome and requires caregivers to implement specific strategies to address behaviors related to dementia. Specialty-trained...

August 2024 Best of All

Participant Best of All Darrian has a lot to say. Darrian has been participating in our adult group speech group, aka, Coffee Club for over a year.  She tends to be quiet, taking everything in and responding with gestures and whispers. This week Darrian was participating with a voice we...
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Fall 2024 Programs & Events

GiGi’s is booming with exciting programs and events this fall. Our website calendar is full of the regular programs offered but we wanted to highlight a few new or special events here on the blog. We don’t want you to miss anything! Additional details (times, locations, etc) can be found...

Worth the Drive

Many GiGi's Playhouse locations serve a large metropolis area. Here in the Quad CIites, we're a little unique. We serve: 5+ cities that make up the Quad Cities (Yes, there were originally only 5) 2 states separated by the mighty Mississippi River many smaller rural towns and villages Many of...
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July 2024 Best of All

Participant Best of All Lauren ended her summer speech sessions with a bang! Miss Ann tried a new therapy technique and it was phenomenal. She was able to decode what Lauren was saying into words that more people would understand. The #bestofall moment was when Lauren's eyes lit up because...

June 2024 Best of All

In June, we held our annual GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge and it was AMAZING! Be sure to visit the recap blog linked here. The rest of June was a blur of activity with all of our summer programs starting including two new programs/activities. Participant Best of All Recently during an Adult...

July 2024 Programs & Events

Let the summer programs continue! We will have a slight break for all programs on July 3rd & 4th in honor of the holiday. Also, the week of the 4th our staff and volunteers will be out and about at the John Deere Classic working concessions. Be sure to stop...

A SUPERhero Thank You!

44 Fundraising Teams 50+ Volunteers 75+ Raffle Items 800+ Registrations $103,000+ Raised We say thank you dozens of times but it never feels like enough. Our 2024 GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge -Superhero Run, walk, and Kids Dash was nothing short of AMAZING! The forecast called for rain all morning long and...

June 2024 Programs & Events

June is here! We're kicking off the month with the annual GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge Superhero Run & Walk. Additional information about that event can be seen here on a previous blog. Group Programs June 4 Adult Group Speech “Coffee Club” (18+) Pack the Playhouse - Pizza, Popcorn, Punch & Photo...

May 2024 Best of All

In May, we're ramping up for our annual run walk and summer programming but we also close out our spring one-on-one session. All of the highlights below are somehow connected to the spring session. Participant Best of All Math is hard for some, and word problems are even harder. Lisa...
May Header

May 2024 Programs & Events

May is a little on the quiet side as we gear up for all the summer programs and events but there are still some great group programs scheduled. Scroll to the bottom for the link to the website calendar to register for group programs! Group Programs May 7 Adult Group...