New Program – Destination Discovery
We’re excited to be offering an all new program here at GiGi’s Playhouse Quad Cities this year!
Join us on the 4th Saturday of every month at 10 am for Destination Discovery (all ages)!
It’s an all new program and all new leaders. This program will be planned and overseen by St Ambrose Students studying Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech & Language Therapy.
Destination Discovery is stationed based with an open play feel. Participants will engage with the various activities at their own pace and the activities are adjustable for the age of the participant. Older participants are also encouraged to mentor younger friends. Making this program beneficial for all ages!
Program Description
Supports the development of motor skills, social skills and language through purposeful play and peer to peer interaction in a casual and fun setting. This program also brings families together to share experiences and build relationships.
Therapeutic Goals
- Increase social skills, with a focus on group participation and increasing leisure activity options.
- Increase language development, with focus on vocabulary development, receptive language skills such as following directions and answering basic questions and promoting successful interaction with peers.
- Increase gross motor skills at each individual’s level through games and activities aimed at active play.
- Increase fine motor skills, with focus on self-help skills and independent work.
Components of Program
Play = Fun + Learning
Play is the work of childhood and is essential for growth and healthy development. There is considerable research supporting the benefits of play for all children. The Destination Discovery Program at the Playhouse is designed to facilitate these benefits to all participants that attend this program.We have included a list of the benefits of play in an effort to enhance the interaction and general play schema of children during the Destination Discovery activities.
Emotional benefits include enjoyment, fun, self expression, release of energy and relaxation.
Equally as important are the developmental benefits that are created during play.
These include the following:
Cognitive development: Creativity, imagination, problem solving, empathy and perspective, learning and mastering new skills
Affective development: Self-confidence, self-esteem, reduction of stress
Social development: Cooperation, sharing, turn-taking, conflict resolution, problem solving and control of impulsivity
Physical development: Gross and fine motor experiences, self help skills, overcoming physical challenges, fostering independence and curiosity through independent mobility and explorationAttention development: Attention regulation, concentration and persistence
Language development: Verbal and nonverbal communication skills, vocabulary and concept building, following direc-tions, emerging literacy and higher level language skills, both receptively and expressively
Educational benefits include providing an environment where each child learns concepts and skills during hands on activities. Learning is done in encouraging, fun and enjoyable activities, providing an atmosphere of learning with other children and adults.The activities are designed to promote generalization of many of the above skills while participating in the Destination Discovery program at the Playhouse.
For additional information about the benefits of play, please refer to the book Play=Learning: How play motivates and enhances children’s cognitive and social-emotional growth, Singer, D., Golinkoff, R.M., Hirsh-Pasek, V., Oxford University Press.
Visit the website calendar to see when the next Destination Discover is scheduled and RSVP while you’re there!