It’s not just cooking!
We piloted the GiGi’s Kitchen program during the COVID shutdowns back in 2020/2021 and we’re able to virtually see our participants getting more comfortable in their own kitchens at home. The kitchen program is now one of GiGi’s signature enrollment/application based programs being offered across the GiGi’s network and we’re happy to be offering it again this year!
GiGi’s Kitchen is a fantastic program where participants learn all about nutrition, cooking, practice conversation skills and even dabble into food budgeting.
Serious stuff…
However, we make sure to have some fun too. Laughter is abound in the kitchen during the cooking time, and a joke or two may be cracked during the lesson. But it is eating time that the most fun happens. Diners get to talk and laugh, Sidney got the crowd rolling with her lettuce antics. She looks a little like “it’s a ME, Mario!” in one of the photos, don’t you think?
GiGi’s Kitchen for 13 and up is happening now at the St. Ambrose occupational therapy kitchen, with 8 fantastic Occupational Therapy students leading 13 GiGi’s participants in safe, healthy and best practices for kitchen skills.
GiGi’s Kitchen for Kids (ages 5-12) is happening soon here at the Playhouse and will be led by our St Ambrose Interns. We can’t wait to see what they get up to in the dining room!
You can read more about the GiGi’s Kitchen program on our website linked here.
If you missed this spring session, don’t worry, we WILL offer kitchen again!