Summer Clubhouse Guest Post – Hannah Providenti, Program Leader

This year, GiGi’s Playhouse NYC held its first ever Summer Clubhouse Program! The fun took place throughout three weeks in July, during which participants grew, learned, and had a blast engaging in summer activities.

A typical day at Summer Clubhouse begins with greetings and hugs from staff, volunteers, and friends. After hellos, we have fitness, where, from obstacle courses, to trampoline and limbo, every participant is sure to have ball. Next up, arts and crafts! It may be sock-puppets, life size self-portraits, or mask decorating; you’ll have to come see! Cooking is our third activity. We’ve made a ton: guacamole, lemonade, smoothies, and–my personal favorite–cupcake decorating! During snack we will enjoy the delicious treats we made in cooking, in addition to other tasty (and healthy) food. Before we say goodbye to our friends, we’ll wind down with story time. On special days, we may even take a surprise field trip to the playground or have a pizza party! Each day at Summer Clubhouse is sure to be one full of excitement, friendship, and fun.

Volunteering this summer has made me so grateful to be a part of the GiGi’s community. Seeing the kids’ smiling faces and getting to know each sweet participant has been one of the highlights of my year. I look forward to spending more time with the families and continuing to be a part of this terrific organization.

  • Hannah Providenti, Playhouse volunteer

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  1. Richard Reilly on August 13, 2016 at 12:13 pm

    Hannah, I remember you volunteering at our first Pizza Night GiGi’s NYC event in early 2012. You and your mom teamed up to decorate a donation box. It’s so inspiring to see how well that box has worked. Not talking about money, that certainly helps. More so the thousands of hours volunteers like yourself have donated since that time. How you have reached out beyond your own priorities to make others’ needs a priority. Hannah, you are the definition of Advocate! Big Love, Richard Reilly – The Grandparent Connection.

    • Anthony Ptak on June 7, 2021 at 7:25 am

      2012 those were the days! I remember that time, Richard. Great times great people great sense of community.
      I remember that my son could articulate clearly, “Gigi’s Playhouse. Let’s go now. ”
      Thanks for all of your contributions for our lives and family.

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