Learning to Read at 51

by Frank Sawyer


When Peter, my brother-in-law, was born with Down syndrome in 1965, there was no GiGi’s Playhouse. He learned colors, numbers and alphabet – but never learned to read. As Peter was growing up it was believed that those with Down syndrome could not learn much more.

When Peter moved to New York City at the age of 47, we met GiGi’s Playhouse NYC. Peter was welcomed with open arms by the wonderful families, staff and board. He entered a world of non-judgment. For the past several years, Peter has been painting and dancing at the Playhouse, and he attends the Literacy Pod.


Peter with one of his many works of art done at the Playhouse as part of the Gratitude Committee

This weekend Peter read his first word – on his own.

When traveling up the Taconic we always pass a diner with the word DINER on the roof, and Peter says ‘Restaurant’, hoping we will stop for his favorite burger and fries. This past Saturday as we drove by, I asked Peter, “What was that?”, and he said, “Diner. D-I-N-E-R”.

He beamed as we congratulated him.

GiGi’s Playhouse NYC, part of a 30+ playhouse network, believes in achievement for those with Down syndrome. At the age of 51, Peter is learning to read. Because of the Playhouse, he has become more articulate with his thought and communication. He loves those and their families who attend the Playhouse. We are so grateful for GiGi’s Playhouse, where potential and learning are limitless.

Frank Sawyer
GiGi’s Playhouse NYC
Board President

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  1. bkaufman on December 9, 2016 at 3:22 pm

    Peter is an inspiration to us all! He has a true love of learning and embodies the values of GiGi’s Playhouse NYC.

  2. Paula on December 12, 2016 at 9:44 am

    Thank you for sharing! Being part of a growing community, like GiGi’s Playhouse, has given us an opportunity to witness, first-hand, what we can expect at different phases of life for our child with Down syndrome. My son started as a participant in programs offered through GiGi’s at one-year and now he benefits from one-on-one tutoring for Speech & Language and Literacy & Math.

  3. Cheryl Speheger on December 13, 2016 at 3:56 pm

    We need one in South Bend, where do I begin?

  4. […] This post was originally shared by GiGi’s Playhouse NYC on December 9, 2016  […]

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