Volunteer Spotlight – Caroline

Caroline – Literacy Tutor

Hello! My name is Caroline Carrothers, and I am a summer literacy tutor for GiGi’s. I was born in Puerto Rico, but I’ve grown up in Wisconsin. After graduating from Georgetown, I moved to Portugal to teach English and Spanish at Universidade da Beira Interior. Due to COVID, I was obligated to return to the U.S.

I’ve always had a passion for community service, so I decided to make the most of my opportunity at home by fulfilling my passion. My best friend’s sister mentioned GiGi’s, so I decided to do some research. The website and overarching message intrigued me and I completed the application to volunteer for the tutoring program.

My favorite part of teaching is the challenge that comes with it – keeping students engaged. I love to see the metaphorical lightbulb go off above a student’s head, showing that the lesson hit its mark. I’ve loved volunteering at GiGi’s because of my students and I love being a part of such an incredible organization.

The students I have are so bright (in every sense) and overall amazing! I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to work with these extraordinary souls at GiGi’s. To the GiGi’s community: Thank you!
– Caroline

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