Register for Literacy or Math Tutoring and Book Club – SUMMER Sessions
Click Here All programs at GiGi’s Playhouse are completely FREE to individuals with Down syndrome and our friends with other disabilities but they are not free for the Playhouse. These programs would not be possible without our amazing volunteers, donations, company matches, and grants. SUMMER 2021 Enrollment is now OPEN! TUTORING (Ages 3 and older)…
Read MoreVolunteer Spotlight: Jane
VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH Jane Program Leader Jane is pictured here with her brother Matthew. My name is Jane and I love being a volunteer at GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee! My brother Matthew (who has been a participant for a few years) invited me to join Fantastic Friends last year. He invited me during the height of…
Read MoreBest of All – Najebah!
Najebah enjoys attending many of our programs and we love that she is able to join in so often on our virtual programs. Najebah is a kind and caring friend who is ready to share and connect with other participants. This week she demonstrated her Best Of All while gathering all the supplies needed, following along with the…
GIGIFIT ACCEPTANCE CHALLENGE May and June have been designated for the GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge where all the Playhouses across the country will unite to MOVE for ACCEPTANCE. There will be multiple opportunities around the Milwaukee area where community members can dedicate to move for acceptance and raise funds for GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee. Mark June 5th on your…
Read MoreProgram Highlight – MUSIC!
Virtual Music will be led by Music Therapy students from Carroll University under the supervision of a licensed professor. Music will support teens and adults as they learn about different music styles, build self-confidence, strengthen social skills, communication, and creative expression through the therapeutic use of music and movement. In addition to the communication and…
Read MoreProgram Highlight – Destination Discovery is more than making crafts
Cody gave his Best Of All at Virtual Destination Discovery. He followed all the directions and showed off his fine motor skills during the Polar Bear craft. Then he used problem-solving skills building an igloo out of marshmallows and popsicle sticks and later worked on his core muscles to balance during Winter Yoga. He was…
Read MoreVolunteer Spotlight – Meet Ciara and Luke
Ciara, Luke and Jen (Lead Destination Discovery) Two of our volunteers for Destination Discovery attend the Marquette University School of Dentistry and we are so thankful to have them leading this fun activity-filled group! Learn more about them below. Volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee is “an awesome break from school. I like to promote peer play…
Read MoreVolunteers’ virtual Book Club is reaching more students than ever before!
At GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee, our mission is to change the way the Milwaukee community sees Down syndrome. We do this through free therapeutic, educational, and social programming for individuals with Down syndrome from birth through adulthood. Diane Schlitz, a retired teacher, is a longtime volunteer and literacy tutor for many of our participants. Through her…
Read MoreProgram Highlight – Meet our Teens!
Teen Tastic is a great social program just for our teens with disabilities. Teen Tastic focuses on building social skills with friends with and without Down syndrome by participating in team-based activities in a casual and fun setting. Skill development includes understanding compromise, turn-taking and problem-solving abilities. Teen Tastic has had a great online turnout.…
Read MoreVolunteer Spotlight – Ms. Diane!
Ms. Diane joined the Milwaukee Playhouse when we opened in 2015! She has been a tutor for all five of our years open and has been the Program Leader for Book Club (for ages 14+) for the past two years. Three years ago she also lead TEAM (cooking and fitness program) for our adults. Diane…
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